Achieving the top spot on the Search Engine Result Page or SERP is already a challenge. The only way you can succeed is to optimize your website. It is not only essential to optimize your website to drive traffic, but it is equally important because it helps convert visitors into prospects and customers. Here are some common areas to focus on:
- Publish content that is both relevant and authoritative
Your search engine rankings are driven by quality, and authoritative content. There is no substitute for great content-especially when performing SEO marketing. Content explicitly tailored to your intended users increases traffic to your site, thus increasing its authority and relevance.
- Content- Rankings in search engines are influenced most by content rather than page titles, URLs, or headings. You may repeat the keyword phrase a few times across the page, once or twice in the first and the last paragraphs, then two or four more times throughout the rest of the text.
Be authoritative. Link to relevant sources and supplementary information strategically, both within your organization’s main website and to other beneficial websites. Do not forget to highlight keyword phrases with bold, italics, and header tags such as the H and other emphasis tags. However, don’t go overboard.
- Keywords- Choose a specific keyword for each authoritative page of your website.
- Multiple keyword phrases- Search engine ranking for multiple keyword phrases can be difficult- unless they are very similar. For your website to rank for multiple keywords phrases, you’ll need to create separate pages for each phrase you want to target.
- Placing keywords- When choosing a keyword phrase for a given page, consider the following:
- Is it possible to use part or all of the keyword phrases on the URL page?
- Is it possible to use the keyword phrase in part or entirely in the page title?
- Can I use part or all of the keyword phrases in the page heading and subheading?
You can boost your search engine rankings by answering yes to these questions. However, do so in a natural, user-friendly manner. For example, in your URL, you do not want to see the word “design” three or more times. However, usability and readability should always come first.
- Ensure your content is updated regularly
A search engine is very particular with content. So, keep your posts fresh as regular updates are viewed as one of the best indicators of your site’s relevance. So, regularly review your content and update as necessary.
Additionally, adding new keyword-rich content can increase your search engine rankings. Even short posts about a specific topic can help your search engine rankings. Use links to your blog posts and CMS webpages as it helps give your reader a better overview of your topic.
- Improve technical performance by optimizing the code, graphics, and other assets of your website
Negative search engine rankings and page desertion are common outcomes of slow and unresponsive websites. To determine how quickly your site loads for mobile and desktop visitors, utilize Google Page Speed Insights tools. Based on your score and recommendations, you may improve page performance and conversions by optimizing your code, graphics, and other assets.
- Make your site link-worthy
An engaging webpage with relevant, unbiased content and helps your visitor how they can learn more about what they’re interested in will draw links from other websites, which can improve the SEO of your website.
Add relevant links within the text to enhance authority and credibility. For example, rather than displaying the “click here” links, use the name of the destination instead. There is no value in “click here” beyond the attached URL. Using descriptive links linked to your keywords not only improves search engine optimization. But it also helps your readers who use screen-reading or those with disabilities.
- Use metadata
Metadata is simply data or information. Search engines do not read your content or data. Instead, they index by looking for information in designated metadata fields. When designing your website, each page should have a space between the head <head> tags where you may include metadata or information about the page’s content. If you have a CMS site built by the UMC web team, this data will be pre-populated for you. However, as your site evolves, you must analyze and update information.
- Title Metadata– Title metadata is the most important metadata on your webpage. It is distinct from the headline on the page itself. It serves as the web page’s name tag. The title appears on your browser tab and informs you of the current page. The most relevant keywords, product(s), and article names should be included in title tags, which are crucial search engine ranking factors.
- Description metadata– Description metadata is the textual description that a browser may use in your page search result. For example, your website’s window display is a brief and engaging description of what’s inside designed to get visitors to come in. A good meta description makes use of two whole phrases. Although search engines may not always use your meta description, it is critical to provide them with the choice.
- Keyword metadata– When it comes to search engine rankings, keyword metadata is rarely employed. However, since you should already be familiar with your keyword phrases, adding them to your keyword information isn’t bad. Again, a range of sentences should be included. As a general guideline, limit yourself to 3-7 sentences with 1-4 syllables each.
- Focus on optimization that makes it easy for the user to access your website
Remember that every visitor to your website is looking for an answer, finding a solution to a problem, or accomplishing a task. Concentrate on improvements that make it easier for site users to achieve these objectives. Examine low-converting landing pages and visual analytics of user activity to determine where to experiment and optimize.
These are only a few examples of where optimization may be instantly beneficial. Still, it’s ideal to evaluate your team’s and website’s performance from the perspective of both site visitors and company goals.